Chemical composition of the soil material of Alfisols from the Vistulian formation
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Departament of Soil Science, University of Technology and Agriculture, Bernardynska 6, 85-029 Bydgoszcz, Poland
Departament of Microbiology, University of Technology and Agriculture, Bernardynska 6, 85-029 Bydgoszcz, Poland
Publication date: 2020-06-18
Acta Agroph. 2001, (50), 119-127
Four pedons of Alfisols were selected from the Experimental Station Mochełek to study chemical composition of the soil material. The study area is located in the south-western border of the Krajeńska Upland, on the border of two geomorphological formations: erosion surface of floating waters (fluviglacial formation) and rolling ground moraine (glacial material). The investigated soils were classified as Typical Hapludalfs (pedon 11, 21 and 26) and Typical Glossudalfs (pedon 7). Chemical composition was analysed using the following methods: fusion with Na2CO3 and dissolving in the HF and HClO4 mixture. Results were presented in an oxide form and molar ratios (SiO2/R2O3; SiO2/ALO3; SiO2/Fe2O3; Al2O3/Fe2O3) were calculated. In the studied soils, the content of SiO2 was from 78.21 to 90.00%. The lowest SiO2 content was found in the illuvial horizons. Otherwise the illuvial process influenced Al2O3 and Fe2O3 distribution, the highest amounts of which were found in the illuvial horizons. TiO2 (0.15 to 0.63%), had similar profile distribution to K2O (1.74-3.88%) and Na2O (0.61-1.05%). CaO and MgO contents were the highest in the parent material, including CaCO3 (pedon 11 and 26). However, the highest amount of MnO was observed in the surface horizons (0.56-0.58%). Chemical composition of the studied soil material indicated a large influence of the illuvial process and particle-size on the total content and pro tile distribution of the analysed soil. However, the evident influence of parent material from which the analysed soils were formed, was not found.
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