Wybrane aspekty stanu zdrowia ludności zamieszkującej tereny Polesia Lubelskiego
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Institute of Agriculture Medicine in Lublin, K. Jaczewskiego 2, 20-950 Lublin, Poland
Publication date: 2020-11-17
Acta Agroph. 2002, (66), 265-278
The influence of environment on health is a complex issue with many components contributing to it. As most of rural populations engage in their professional activities in the same surrounding in which they live, of which the Lublin Polesie is a perfect example – there is a close relationship between working and living environment. Such populations are thus constantly exposed to hazardous factors. There are three main areas with their different hazards in agriculture: plant production, with physical work load, biological hazards due to agricultural dust, noise and vibration which determine working environment; i.e. animal production, where the main hazards are of biological, allergenic or infectious nature and agricualtural services sector with physical factors such as noise. vibration and dust. Additionally, chemical substances constitute a hazard in all these sectors of production. The paper presents an analysis of the state of health of rural adolescents in the Lublin Polesie, students from vocational agricultural schools. It based on the results of representative study of health of adult rural population. There were no serious medical problems in the group of adolescents under study. The most common condition was sight defects in girls and in boys defects in physical posture. In the adult group, irrespective of sex, circulatory system diseases dominated the findings, followed by ossea-muscular system, and connective tissue, then diseases of glands of internal secretion, metabolism and digestive system. In the group of women, the next place was occupied by urinary-reproductive system diseases, and in men - medical problems with respiratory tract, nervous system and the sensory organs. It was also found that young people entering the job market outside agriculture are on average in poorer health than their peers finding jobs in agriculture; with time, the differences changed unfavourably for the latter group.
Wybrane aspekty stanu zdrowia ludności zamieszkującej tereny Polesia Lubelskiego
Polesie Lubelskie, stan zdrowia, populacja wiejska – młodzież szkolna, dorośli
W pracy przeanalizowano: - stan zdrowia młodzieży wiejskiej z terenu Polesia Lubelskiego, uczęszczającej do szkół rolniczych, -stan zdrowia dorosłych mieszkańców wsi, na podstawie wyników reprezentacyjnych badań stanu zdrowia dorosłych mieszkańców wsi. W stanie zdrowia badanej młodzieży nie zaobserwowano poważniejszych chorób. Najczęściej stwierdzano: u dziewcząt wady wzroku, a u chłopców wady postawy ciała. Wśród ludności dorosłej, strukturze chorób zarówno u mężczyzn, jak i u kobiet, zdecydowanie dominowały choroby układu krążenia, układu mięśniowo-kostnego i tkanki łącznej, choroby gruczołów wydzielania wewnętrznego i przemiany materii oraz układu trawiennego.
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