Sorption properties of lithogenic soils from non-forest areas of the Tatra National Park
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Soil Science and Soil Protection Department, Agricultural University of Cracow, Al. Mickiewicza 21,31-120 Kraków, Poland
Publication date: 2020-06-17
Acta Agroph. 2001, (50), 207-215
Investigations have been carried out on the soil material taken from 46 profiles representing lithogenic soils from non-forest areas of the Tatra National Park. When selecting soil material an altitude above sea level (over 1250 m a.s.l.), a rock parent type (non-calcareous and calcareous) were taken into account, in case of non calcerous soils, the weakly developed soils- rankers were selected. On the basis of the investigations the following conclusions have been drawn: sorption properties of ectohumus horizons in most of investigated lithogenic soils (rankers and rendzinas) are differenciated and fom1ed under the influence of parent rocks. Ectohumus of Oh horizons of rankers sorbed exchangeable cations in following order H+>Ca2+≥Mg2+>K+>Na+. In composition of cations in Oh horizons of rendzinas dominated cations of calcium and the order was as follows: Ca2+>Mg2+>H+>K+≥Na+. In ectohumus of Oh horizons of rendzinas occurring under bilberry heath and pine dwarf and rankers the composition of exchangeable ions as well as a degree of base saturation were close. In investigated soils sorption properiies of mineral or organic-mineral horizons AC or ABC, occurring in direct contact with the parent rock, were fanned under the influence of litho genic factor.
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