Comparison of selected chemical properties of water of Budzień-Krępa canal and “Błoto Kraków” peatland in Lower Odra Valley
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Department of Physics and Agrophysics, West Pomaranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Poland
Department of Soil Science and Soil Protection, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland
Final revision date: 2019-08-11
Acceptance date: 2019-08-12
Publication date: 2019-09-11
Corresponding author
Romualda Bejger   

Department of Physics and Agrophysics, West Pomaranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Papieża Pawła VI nr 3, 71-459, Szczecin, Poland
Acta Agroph. 2019, 26(2), 45-52
The paper presents a study on the content of selected chemical components in waters of the low moor peatland “Błoto Kraków” and the navigable canal Budzień–Krępa running across the peatland. Samples of water from the peatland and from the canal were collected three times during the vegetation period, in April, August and October. Also soil samples were collected, from the surface horizon of the peatland. The soil samples were characterised by a low degree of degradation of accumulated organic matter, an acidic reaction and a low ash content. The peatland waters were characterised by statistically significantly higher levels of most of the assayed ions and statistically significantly higher mineralisation compared to the canal waters. Also the content of nutrients – nitrate, ammonium and phosphate ions, was statistically significantly higher in the peatland waters. In the case of the content of heavy metals, the peatland waters were characterised by statistically significantly higher levels of iron, manganese and nickel, relative to water sampled from the canal. No statistically significant differences were noted in the content of lead and copper. This may mean that, under conditions of acidic reaction, certain elements are liberated from the sorptive complex of the peatland soils, and migrate to surface waters, causing their contamination.
The Authors does not declare conflict of interest.
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