Alterations of some chemical and physico-chemical properties of selected soils in field ecosystems
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Department of Soil Science and Geoecology, University of Łódź, Źrodłowa 47, 91-735 Łódź, Poland
Publication date: 2020-06-17
Acta Agroph. 2001, (50), 177-188
The research was conducted in 1991-1997 on the soils from arable fields situated near Łódź. To the detailed research there were stated four soil profiles which were different as regards their grain composition (two sand and two silt soils, all shallow) and typology (two profiles of brown leached soils, one pseudopodzolic-gley soil and one fallow glossic grey-brown podzolic soil). Qualification of the directions of the alterations in the content of organic carbon and basic macroelements (P, K, Mg) in soil and hesitation of reaction, hydrolytic acidity and content of the exchangeable basic cations in the soil sorptive complex were the main target of our research. The result of the 7-year-long research showed that different changes took place in the features of the examined soils. However, the exact assignment of the direction of these alteractions is extremely complex and does not warrant getting a satisfying answer. It is the result of taking various agriculture actions which are necessary to the appropriate maintenance of the ecosystems.
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